Thursday, 30 June 2016

The Top 10 Deadliest Diseases List

1. Coronary Artery Disease (Ischemic Heart Disease)

2. Stroke

3. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

4. Lower Respiratory Infections

5. Trachea, Bronchus, and Lung Cancers


7. Diarrheal Diseases

8. Diabetes Mellitus

9. Preterm Birth Complications

10. Tuberculosis (TB)

 SOURCE: healthline 

                      # Images Top 10 Deadliest Diseases List

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Wednesday, 29 June 2016


Mouth cancer is generally found in men (two thirds of cases) and the highest risk was found in alcohol drinkers and tobacco smokers.
Here is an early sign of mouth cancer:
  1. The existence of injury or illness on the face, neck, and ulcer or canker sores in the mouth that do not disappear within 2 weeks.
  2. Swelling, enlargement or lump in the gums, lips and other parts in the mouth.
  3. White spots, red or dark in the mouth.
  4.  Iterative Bleeding from the gums or sores in the mouth.
  5.  Pain resistant around the face and mouth and neck.
  6.  Rocking teeth without obvious cause.
  7.  You can perform an independent examination of Oral Cancer by following the instructions below 7

  1. Watch your face in front of the glass, in normal circumstances the left and right sides of the same size, there can be enlarged / swollen which are found only on one side of the face
  2. Check your skin, whether there are changes in color
  3. Do suppression buying drugs online without a Prescription Prescription along the neck if there are lumps and stiffness?
  4. Pull the lower lip and see if there is discoloration and pain, then touch and feel if there are lumps that do not deserve. Do the same on the upper lip.
  5. Open your mouth and pull the cheek with one finger in the mouth and the thumb on the outside, then do check whether there are changes in color, cuts and bumps which are not proper.
  6. Head in the pull back and open mouth lebar2, kemuadia do palpability on the basis of the mouth if there are lumps and changes color.
  7. Fixation of the tongue and note the surface and color, whether there are changes in color, magnification.
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Put the tip of the tongue in the mouth langit2 do the examination of the left and right sides of the tongue and floor of the mouth behind the tongue.
If the find situation that should not immediately call your dentist and discuss this with your doctor. Usually the state who do not heal within two weeks require special attention.
How to Prevention

     * Avoidance of sunlight reduces the risk of lip cancer.
    * Avoid excessive alcohol and tobacco, can prevent almost all oral cancers.
    * Other Prevention refine edge or patch a broken tooth.
    * Vitamin anti-oxidants (vitamins C and E, beta-carotene) provide additional protection.

source: info-prognosismesothelioma

Low Income Primary Care

Improving Colorectal Cencer Screenings in Low-Income Primary Care Settings Using Shared Decision Making
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The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the impact of shared decision making on colorectal cancer screening in Maine. This project seeks to: systematically identify unscreened patients at three primary care practices, provide patients a high-quality decision aid along with primary care physician recommendation to be screened by either colonoscopy or FIT (stool testing), and a follow up with a personal phone call from the primary care team to provide decision support and schedule desired screening. As a result of this intervention we anticipate improved colorectal cancer screening rates among a large group of patients in Maine. This process can then be spread throughout Maine after documenting the relative benefit of the intervention.
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22 Bramhall Street
(207) 662-0111
Maine Medical Center
Kathleen Fairfield
Grant Amount Given: 
Year Issued: 
Grant Category: 
Types of Cancer: 
Grant Duration: 
1 Year Pilot Grant
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Maine Cancer Foundation Grants to this Organization:

Year Program Amount Category Organization
2016 The Maine Lung Cancer Prevention and Screening (Maine LungCAPS) Initiative $400,000 Prevention Maine Medical Center
2015 Extending Lung Cancer Screening to Primary Care $49,899 Screening Maine Medical Center
2013 Endometrial Cancer & Obesity: A Survivorship Program $10,000 Survivorship Maine Medical Center
2013 Lung Cancer Screening Shared Decision-Making $25,536 Screening Maine Medical Center
2012 Oncology Pharmacy Practice Residency $5,000 Support Maine Medical Center
2012 Gas Cards for Emergency Aid $1,000 Beacon Fund Maine Medical Center
2012 Inhibitory Effects of Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-4(IGFBP-4) on Melanoma Growth and Metastasis $73,848 Research Maine Medical Center
2012 Improving Colorectal Cencer Screenings in Low-Income Primary Care Settings Using Shared Decision Making $97,860 Research Maine Medical Center
2012 Cancer Survivorship Support $10,000 Survivorship Maine Medical Center
2011 Notch Regulation of the Tumor Supressor miR-145 in Breast Cancer Cells $94,184 Research Maine Medical Center
2011 Inceptive Role of miR-199b in Acute Myeloid Leukemia $92,000 Research Maine Medical Center
2011 Small Molecule Inhibitors of Twist1 Function to Inhibit Tumor Progression $73,039 Research Maine Medical Center
2011 FGF Export from Endothelial Cells: Protumorigenic Potential and Methods of Regulation $86,877 Research Maine Medical Center
2011 Validating Prediction Tools for Prostate Cancer Quality of Life Outcomes $71,029 Research Maine Medical Center
2011 Increase Immigrant Screening $8,011 Screening Maine Medical Center
2011 Communicating Risk $9,413 Education Maine Medical Center
2009 Predicting Quality of Life Outcomes after Prostate Cancer Treatment $45,295 Research Maine Medical Center
2006 Reduction of breast cancer by the Notch signaling pathway $35,000 Research Maine Medical Center
2001 Ronald J . Carroll, M.D. Lecture Fund at Maine Medical Center $10,000 Education Maine Medical Center
1979 Pediatric Cancer Seminar Education Maine Medical Center   

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Top 10 Most Lethal Diseases

In this modern world with modern technologies and techniques, life has been modified to a greater extent. The advance technologies, greater medical facilities and inventions of new methods of treatment contribute a lot in medical field and improving the life quality of the individuals but still the power of life is defeated by the fatal or lethal diseases. Human body is capable of doing extremely extraordinary functions but these functions become workless in front of these lethal biological armaments. With the improvement in quality of life, the quantity of life shows no guarantee when there is matter of these deadly diseases. With advance technologies and innovative researches many treatment aims are introduced but the deadly nature of these diseases is a bitter truth of life. Here is the list of top 10 most lethal diseases in the world.
This list will definitely resolve the conflicting question in minds that what are the top most lethal diseases and what are the factors that make them to be in this list. Know about their causes and sign symptoms and do preventive measurements as Prevention is better than Cure and also about their complications that make them more deadly.

10. Pneumonia
Top 10 Most Lethal Diseases -
The most common lethal nosocomial infectious disease is Pneumonia. It is an inflammatory disease of the lungs and can be life threatening. It is more serious for older people above than 65, infants and children and the individuals with other health issues. Its common symptoms include fever, cough, chest pain and difficult in breathing. The treatment is according to underlying cause like pneumonia caused by bacteria is treated with antibiotics. It affects around 450 million individual each year worldwide and therefore resulting in 4 million deaths mostly in third world countries. William Osler titled pneumonia as “the captain of the men of death” in the 19th century but the advancement in medical field in the 20th century by advent of vaccines and antibiotic therapy the improvement has been seen. It is one of the principal causes of death in children under 5 years of age in all over the world.

9. Tuberculosis
Top 10 Most Lethal Diseases
Tuberculosis also known as TB or white plaque is a common infectious disease, that is lethal in many cases and is caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is a contagious disease and is spread by sneezing, coughing and talking. It usually affects the lungs of the sufferer but can also affect the other parts of the body. If left untreated this disease kills more than 50% of the infected individuals. The typical symptoms of this disease include chronic cough, fever, blood with sputum, weight loss and night sweats. Its treatment is complicated that include administration of multiple antibiotics for a long duration of time. The prevention of this disease is confined to screening programs and proper vaccination. In 2010, according to estimation in developing countries there were 8.8 million new cases of this disease and 1.5 million deaths because of it. After HIV, it is the second leading cause of death from infectious diseases.

8. Diarrhea
Top 10 Most Lethal Diseases - Diarrhea
The increase in frequency of intestines movement or the increase in the looseness of stool or both is known as diarrhea, gastroenteritis is its most common cause. It is characterized as one of the most noxious diseases in the third world countries. It can be either acute or chronic with different causes and treatments. Acute diarrhea has rapid onset, lasts for few days and is not long term is a most prevalent cause of death among young children and babies in developing countries. Chronic diarrhea that is referred as long term diarrhea is the second cause of death of children in developing nations. The complications of diarrhea include dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and anus irritation. The dehydration should be immediately treated with oral intake or by with intravenous fluids and further treatment of disease with medication. Diarrhea is the second most common cause of death of infants in all over the world, killing almost 2,195 children everyday that is more than malaria, measles and AIDS combine.

7. Tetanus
Top 10 Most Lethal Diseases - Tetanus
Tetanus is a disease that is caused by the bacterium Clostridium tetani as its spores are widespread in our environment. The neurotoxin produced by this bacterium in the absence of oxygen is responsible for the effects. The contaminated wound is the source of disease and can be prevented by proper vaccination. Tetanus is also known as locked jaws and therefore characterized by muscles spasms, initially in the muscles of jaw. With the progression in the disease the mild stimuli may provoke generalized seizures like activity. Its major complications include laryngospasm, fractures of bones and ultimately death unless supportive treatment is given. It is a medical emergency that immediate require hospitalization and immediate treatment with tetanus immune globulin, tetanus vaccine, antibiotics, wound management and dugs to control muscle spasm. Depending on the severity of disease the ventilator is also required for breathing.

6. Anthrax
Top 10 Most Lethal Diseases - Anthrax
It is an acute and life threatening infectious disease that is caused by bacterium Bacillus anthracis. It can affect both animals and humans, as human get infected by in contact with animals that are infected or their products. Anthrax terrorist attack has caused this disease to receive a great deal of attention. There are three types of anthrax; cutaneous anthrax, gastrointestinal anthrax and inhalation or pulmonary anthrax.
The inhalation of spores of this bacterium causes the most deadly type of anthrax. Its sign and symptoms vary according to the type of disease as boil or swelling of lymph nodes in case of cutaneous anthrax, nausea, vomiting, fever and bloody diarrhea in case of gastrointestinal anthrax whereas flu like symptoms and chest discomfort in case of pulmonary anthrax.With the progression of disease it causes fever, difficulty in breathing, meningitis and shock, its most fatal complication is hemorrhagic meningitis. Powerful antibiotics are available that aid in treating this disease, this disease can also prevented by vaccination and avoiding contact with affected animals and early detection and treatment is very important. If you are not taking treatment within 24 hours of inhalation then it is going to kill you by the third or fourth day.

5. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
Top 10 Most Lethal Diseases - Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever also termed as dengue vasculopathy is a severe and possibly lethal infectious disease that is caused by the species Aedes aegypti of mosquitoes. It is a life threatening condition in which the early symptoms are like dengue fever like fever, vomiting, headache, malaise, decreased appetite and joints or muscles aches but with the passage of time there are symptoms of bleeding, blood plasma leakage and low levels of platelets of blood or due to extremely low blood pressure the patient can go into dengue shock syndrome and that can lead to the death of the individual.
There is no specific treatment of this disease as it is caused by a virus so there is no known vaccine or cure, the only possible treatment is to treat the symptoms. With early diagnosis and intensive care, most of the patients show good prognosis whereas almost half of the untreated patients go into shock and do not survive. Approximately 50- 100 million people are infected from this disease, annually. Now a days, most of the Asian and Latin American countries are affected by this disease and therefore becoming a leading cause of hospitalization and death in that regions.

4. Ischemic Heart Disease
Top 10 Most Lethal Diseases - Ischemic Heart Disease
The most common cause of death in most of the Western countries is Ischemic Heart Disease. Heart is the pumping organ of the body, any malfunction in its activity can be extremely hazardous. In ischemic heart disease also known as coronary heart disease there is decreased blood supply to heart because of narrowing or blockage of the blood vessels due to plaque formation, therefore leading to death of the tissue and causing heart attack.
Ischemic heart disease is the commonest type of heart diseases and therefore a commonest cause of heart attack that cause sudden death too. Its sign and symptoms include acute chest pain and in case of heart attack difficulty in breathing and swelling of extremities due to weakened heart muscles. Smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol levels and hypertension are major risk factors for this disease. Its treatment includes improved life style, medication and surgery. Healthy life style plays a basic role in preventing this disease, regular exercise, healthy diet, avoid smoking and decreased obesity are leading factors in avoiding this disease. This disease affects individuals of any age but is more common in older age. It is a leading cause of death world widely as according to 2008 estimation it caused 7.3 million deaths and it causes approximately 600,000 deaths in the United Sates annually.

3. Cerebral Malaria
Top 10 Most Lethal Diseases - Cerebral Malaria
Malaria is one of the greatest killers in the world that causes almost one million deaths annually and its most serious and deadly form is cerebral malaria that affects the brain and damages it. The children are more prone to this lethal disease as compared to adults. It is constituted of the clinical manifestations of malaria caused by plasmodium falciparum and causes alterations in mental status and even coma. It is an intense form of brain disease that form ring like lesions in brain along with fever. The symptoms include altered consciousness with fever, neurological abnormalities and convulsions, and coma that persist for 24-72 hours.
If not treated on time it gets fatal and can lead to many other severe complications and death. It can be prevented by anti malarial chemotherapy and additional measures. According to World Health Organization nearly 300-500 million are become victim of this disease and causes more than one million deaths therefore its mortality ratio is very high as compare to other forms of malaria.

Top 10 Most Lethal Diseases - AIDS
Acquired Immunodeficiency disease is a very dangerous disease and is caused by HIV virus also known as human immunodeficiency virus. It is a disease of the weakening of the immune system of the body making the individual more vulnerable to diseases and infections including opportunistic infections and tumors and with the progression of disease the condition becomes more worsen.
This virus is transmitted by sexual intercourse, pregnancy and through blood transmission by sharing and reusing contaminated syringes. There is no treatment or vaccination of this disease but antiretroviral vaccination helps slowing down the disease’s course and reduces the risk of death but is expensive and has various side effects. It is considered a pandemic as it is widely spreading and is present over a large area in this world. The main causes of death from this disease are opportunist infections and tumors due to weakened immune system. As of 2012 epidemiology, approximately 35.3 million people were suffering from this disease world widely with 2.3 million new cases in that year and caused death of about 1.6 million people that is reduced as compared to 2.2 million in 2005.

1. Lung Cancer
Top 10 Most Lethal Diseases - Lung Cancer
Cancer itself is a very lethal disease but Lung Cancer is its most lethal type. It is the leading cause of deaths by cancers not only in the United States but also in all over the world. It is defined as a disease in which there is uncontrolled division of cells in lung tissues and if left undiagnosed or untreated this unwanted and uncontrolled division can metastasize to nearby tissues or other body parts. Cigarette smoking is the most common cause of this disease, while the other causes include passive smoking, exposure to asbestos, radon gas, air pollution or a combination of genetic factors.
The most common symptoms of this disease are cough, blood in cough, shortness of breath and weight loss. Its treatment methods include chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery or a combination of medical aids. Only 15 percent of lung cancer patients survive more than five years and causes approximately three millions deaths annually and around 35,000 people are died because of this lethal disease in United Kingdom each year.
source: listtop10s

10 Main Causes of Deat

Today top10marvels is going to share the list of top 10 main causes of death in 2010-2011. Below are 10 causes of death, This is a medically gathered data from most countries in the World. Main Causes of Death in 2010-2011 
source: top10marvels

Leading Cause of Death

Leading Cause of Death

U.S. Males and Females                                   
The leading cause of death in the United States is heart disease. Heart disease is one of the most preventable causes of death. It all depends on the choices you make everyday. Whether or not you get up and exercise, eat healthily and handle your stress level affects your risk of heart problems.

Cancer is the second leading cause of death, and the most common kind is lung cancer. Although we do not know what exactly causes cancer, we do know that things like tobacco in cigarettes can increase your risk by a lot.

There are many other leading causes of death. Out of the top 10 at least 5 of them are preventable, or they have something you can do to reduce your risk factor.

Leading Causes of Death in Malessource: sites

The top 10 causes of death

The 10 leading causes of death in the world, 2000 and 2016

Ischaemic heart disease, stroke, lower respiratory infections and chronic obstructive lung disease have remained the top major killers during the past decade.
HIV deaths decreased slightly from 1.7 million (3.2%) deaths in 2000 to 1.5 million (2.7%) deaths in 2016. Diarrhoea is no longer among the 5 leading causes of death, but is still among the top 10, killing 1.5 million people in 2016.
Chronic diseases cause increasing numbers of deaths worldwide. Lung cancers (along with trachea and bronchus cancers) caused 1.6 million (2.9%) deaths in 2012, up from 1.2 million (2.2%) deaths in 2000. Similarly, diabetes caused 1.5 million (2.7%) deaths in 2012, up from 1.0 million (2.0%) deaths in 2000.
source: who
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Top 10 Most Common Medical Conditions in the World

The whole world is bounded by indefinite people and these people are bounded by numerous varieties of diseases. These diseases may lead to serious implications if prevention is not taken on time, they may lead to death too in rare cases. These diseases may occur due to the surrounding problems or it may occur because of lack of vaccination at proper time and it may also be due to sex. Thus, a list of common medical conditions faced by the people in the world are –
10. Common Cold
Common Cold
Common cold is a medical condition which is common to each and every entity. It is a viral infectious disease which mainly affects our respiratory systems. The signs and symptoms of this disease are sneezing, coughing, sore throat, fever, running nose, muscle ache, loss of appetite, fatigue. The time period of this disease seven to ten days and may extend up to three weeks also. This disease is transmitted by the means of aerosols, nasal secretions. The prevention methods of this disease are timely hand washing habit before any contact of your hands with your body especially during food ingestion.
9. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
sexually transmitted disease Sexually transmitted diseases are the medical condition which is caused due to lack of awareness of sex or incomplete knowledge of sex practicing and this disease is mainly found among the people of developing countries. STD is the infection which is caused person to person by sexual means. Sexual means may refer to some anal sex, or some oral sex or vaginal sex or it may be any vaginal intercourse. The various common sexually transmitted diseases are AIDS, gonorrhea, Hepatitis B infection, trichomoniasis and genital herpes. The prevention method includes avoid direct sexual contacts with an infected person. Proper use of condoms during sexual contact may prevent you from sexual infections. Flavored condoms must be used only in case of oral sex. Proper vaccination of Hepatitis must be taken as long term prevention. Used condom must not be used again.
8. Cholera
cholera Cholera is a medical condition which is mainly found in Asian and African countries. The most common sign and symptoms of this disease are diarrhea, dehydration, low blood pressure, vomiting, wrinkled hands; eyes get sunken, pulse get fast. This disease is transmitted by the means of contaminated water and food. Cholera also spread directly from person to person. Various prevention methods must be taken in order to prevent this disease. Method such as sterilization, sewage, sources and water purification must be taken to prevent this disease. Proper vaccination must also be done to cure this disease. The treatment of this disease can be made by Oral Dehydration Therapy. Antibiotics may also be used as a short course treatment.
7. Meningitis
meningitis Meningitis is a life threatening inflammation of brain and spinal cord membranes. This disease also affects the blood circulation. This type of disease is a person to person spreading disease and appears when a particular person is in contact with some other infected person. It is mainly caused by an infection which is caused by some viruses like bacteria, fungi, protozoa. The most common sign and symptoms of this disease are severe headache, sudden high fever, neck stiffness, consciousness, vomiting. This disease may even lead to death if proper care is not taken. There are two types of prevention for this disease i.e. one is long term by the means of proper vaccination and other is short term prevention by the means of some antibiotics.
6. Yellow Fever
yellow fever This disease mainly occurs in the region of South America and South Africa. Yellow fever is a viral disease which occurs mainly due to a female mosquito. The signs and symptoms of this disease are high fever, headache, Backaches, vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite. There is no specific treatment for this disease, so one can only reduce the symptoms caused by this disease for the ease of patients. Prevention for this disease is proper vaccination, mosquito control and removal nearby, epidemic preparedness and response. The time duration of this disease occurs for around four to eight days.
5. Typhoid Fever
Typhoid Fever Typhoid fever is a medical condition which affects the blood circulation and the intestinal tract of the human body. It is caused by bacteria specifically known as Salmonella typhus. It is transmitted by ingestion of contaminated food and water. The symptoms of this disease are high fever, headache, and constipation, red spots on the chest, enlarged liver, and malaise. The treatment for this disease is antibiotics. Typhoid is not found in animals because it is a person to person transmission. Because Typhoid is an environmental problem hence one should take care of the environmental issues during food ingestion. The time period of this disease is more than three week and extends up to a month. Proper vaccination must also be taken into account for the prevention of this disease.
4. Hepatitis
hepatitis Hepatitis is a medical condition which is mainly due to inflammation of liver, a viral infection. Hepatitis is generally of five types i.e. A, B, C, D, E out of which A and B are the most common which spreads from person to person through blood, semen. The signs and symptoms of this disease mainly due to Hepatitis A and B are fever, nausea, diarrhea, muscle and joint pain, headache, dark urine, yellowed eyes, swelling of liver and sometimes even led to liver failure. Hepatitis A is generally caused by contamination of food and water. Hepatitis A can be recovered within 2 weeks and may extend up to half a year also. The sexual contact is one of the most common ways for spread of Hepatitis B. Prevention taken for this disease are safe sex with a condom, non sharing razors and other personal stuffs. Proper vaccination must be done at early age for longer time in case of infants.
3. Diarrhea
diarrhea Diarrhea is mainly caused due to the contamination of food, water and other digestive elements. This is the most common disease found mainly in infants and may even leads to death also. It is generally caused by gastrointestinal infection. This disease may even lead due to poor hygiene. The condition for this disease is the liquid stools occurring more than three times a day. The signs and symptoms of this disease are fluid loss which causes dehydration. The prevention for this disease is a rotavirus vaccine which decreases the rate of diarrhea to a large extent. The time consumed by this disease is around two to four days.
2. Tetanus
tetanus Tetanus is a medical condition which led to the contraction of the muscle fibers. It is mainly caused by bacteria known as Clostridium tetany. The “tetany” here means sudden painful contraction of muscles. The process of this disease starts with the neurotoxin which are produced by the bacteria in case of dirty wound contamination or with a deep cut by some old non sterile instrument. The sign and symptoms of this disease are mild spasms in jaw muscles. Contraction of almost every part like neck, chest, back occurs as the sign of this disease. Other signs are fever, sweating, irritation, uncontrolled urination. The time consumed by this disease is around eight days and may extend till months also. It mainly affects our central nervous system. This disease is also known as lock jaw. The prevention of this disease is proper vaccination with tetanus toxoid.
1. Malaria
malaria This is one of the most common medical conditions which persist mainly in the region like Africa, South East Asia, South America. Malaria is a common mosquito infectious disease which is mainly caused by a parasite known as Plasmid. This disease begins with the bite of a female mosquito through the saliva into our circulation system. The signs and symptoms of this disease are extremely high fever, sweating, headache, vomiting, joint pain, sometimes body shivering also, retina damage, jaundice. Malaria must be prevented as soon as possible before it disrupts the blood transfer to the vital organs. Now to prevent malaria, the very first precaution is to prevent from the mosquito bite and the removal of mosquito from the surroundings either through some spraying / fertilization or by the means of mosquito net. Proper medication and prescription must be followed in case of malaria. The time consumed by this disease is around ten to fifteen days after the mosquito bite.

source: listdose

Top 10 Most Common Skin Diseases

Your skin says a lot about you and your overall health. The three protective outer layers of skin (epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous layer) help in regulating temperature, storing essential ingredients and stimulating senses. However, it is sensitive as well as it doesn’t always get much attention outside the normal context of bathing and moisturising. Consequently, skin is subject to a variety of common diseases.
Although most common skin diseases are not serious are easily treatable, but they can get worse if left untreated. So, learn about the top most common skin diseases, treat them properly and enjoy spotless glowing skin.


  • 1

    First on the list is Acne. It can affect anyone at some point in time but it is exceptionally common for teens. Acne pimples and cysts develop because of clogged pores, hormonal changes, bacteria, excessive oils, dead skin cells and debris. Blackheads, raised pimples, whiteheads and cysts below the skin are the common symptoms of acne.

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  • 2

    The word “dermatitis” depicts many categorisations of rashes or raised red spots. They can affect face, inner elbows, armpits, hands, feet and back of the knees etc. Contact dermatitis, Seborrheic dermatitis, Atopic dermatitis, Diaper rash, Stasis dermatitis, Psoriasis, Neurodermatitis, herpetiformis and Nummular eczema are common types of dermatitis. Their symptoms include reddening of skin, raised bumps, itching, scaly or cracked skin texture, tenderness and skin flakes.

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  • 3

    Rosacea is a skin condition that often resembles acne. This inflammatory skin disease is typified by small scaly bumps, flushing and frequent redness in the face. Rosacea affects all ages and there is no proper treatment currently available. The four major sub types of rosacea include Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea, Papulopustular rosacea, Phymatous rosacea and Ocular rosacea. Sun exposure, high humidity, stress, heavy workouts, wind, marinated meat, certain dairy products, vegetables, alcoholic beverages and some skin care products are the main causes of rosacea.

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  • 4

    Impetigo is a highly infectious bacterial skin disease. It is usually caused by streptococcus or bacterium staphylococcus that enters an open wound and takes residence in the skin. Medical records show that it is the third most widespread skin disease in children, affecting preschool kids (ages 2 to 6).  The pus-filled red small sores on the skin are a major symptom of impetigo.

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  • 5

    Hives, also known as Urticaria, is another common skin disease. It is basically an eruption of inflamed, pale red plaques or bumps on the skin that emerge abruptly either as a result of the body's adverse reaction to certain allergens or for unidentified reasons. Hives occur most often from reactions to major types of allergens like infections, pets, medication, foods and stress.

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  • 6

    Melanoma is a very dangerous form of skin cancer. It develops in the bottom layer of cells that produce “melanin,” pigment that is responsible for the colour of your skin. It can affect any part of the body but most often in the areas that are exposed to ultraviolet rays (sunlight). Make sure to cover your body or apply sun tan lotion before going into the open environment.

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  • 7

    Moles, also known as nevi, are brown, pink or tan growths on the skin. They arise when the melanocytes or pigment cells, grow into bunches and form an outgrowth. Average people have 15 to 40 moles, which fade away after age 40. Moles are raised, flat, round or oval in shape. They are usually not dangerous at all but they have the potential to be cancerous. As a result they can convert into melanoma.

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  • 8

    Psoriasis is a skin diseases caused by the severe changes in the immune system. It is characterised by red flaking rough patches on the skin. These patches appear on the face, palms, knees, elbows, lower back and soles of feet. This condition can take place at any age in both women and men but it most frequent with people in their 30's.

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  • 9
    Common Warts

    Warts are harmless bumpy growths on the skin caused by a viral infection. They resemble a solid blister or cauliflower and are commonly found on the fingers, hands and feet. There are ten varieties of warts and all of them are risk-free.

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  • 10

    Cellulitis is also a common bacterial skin infection. During the early stage, an infected area of the skin will be red, warm, tender and swollen. As it spreads with the passage of time, the infected person may have a high fever, puffy glands and a chill.

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source:  stepbystep